Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Webhook”
`curl`'ing a Tailscale Webhook
[Tailscale] is really good. I’ve been using it as a virtual private network to span 2 home networks and to securely (!) access my hosts when I’m remote.
Recently Tailscale added Webhook functionality to permit processing subscribed-to (Tailscale) events. I’m always a sucker for a webhook ;-)
Here’s a curl command to send a test event to a Tailscale Webhook:
URL="" # From Tailscale's docs # BODY=' [ { "timestamp": "2022-09-21T13:37:51.
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Using Google Monitoring Alerting to send Pushover notifications
Table of Contents Artifacts Pushover Caveat Cloud Monitoring Webhook Cloud Functions Cloud Run Artifacts GitHub: go-gcp-pushover-notificationchannel Image: Pushover Logging in to your Pushover account, you will be presented with a summary|dashboard page that includes Your User Key. Copy the value of this key into a variable called PUSHOVER_USER
Create New Application|API Token
Pushover API has a Pushing Messages method. The documentation describes the format of the HTTP Request. It must be a POST using TLS (https://) to https://api.
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Kubernetes cert-manager
I developed an admission webhook for Akri, twice (Golang, Rust). I naively followed other examples for the generation of the certificates, created a 1.20 cluster and broke that process.
I’d briefly considered using cert-manager recently but quickly abandoned the idea thinking it would be onerous and unnecessary complexity for little-old-me. I was wrong. It’s excellent and I recommend it highly.
I won’t reproduce the v1beta1 and v1 examples from the Stackoverflow question as they should be self-explanatory.
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Kubernetes Webhooks
I spent some time last week writing my first admission webhook for Kubernetes. I wrote the handler in Golang because I’m most familiar with Golang and because, as Kubernetes’ native language, I was more confident that the necessary SDKs would exist and that the documentation would likely use Golang by default. I struggled to find useful documentation and so this post is to help you (and me!) remember how to do this next time!
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