Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Trendnet”
Trendnet TEW-812DRU and DD-WRT
The FBI Portland published an interesting advisory with several, sensible recommendations including firewalling IoT devices from other devices on a home network. I decided to deploy a redundant Trendnet TEW-812DRU version 2.0 for this purpose.
Caveat Developer: Before I go further, I don’t recommend installing DD-WRT on a Trendnet TEW-812DRU unless you’re willing to brick the device irrecoverably.
I read the DD-WRT instructions several times (“peacock thread”,router database – do not use v3.0 beta builds!), thought I’d followed them and still (temporarily) bricked my router using the firmware downloaded from the DD-WRT router database. It is thanks to Justin’s help and his post that I was encouraged to try restoring my device to the Trendent firmware and then retring the DD-WRT installation with an older firmware version.