Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Swagger”
Navigating Koyeb's API with Rust
I wrote about Navigating Koyeb’s Golang SDK. That client is generated using the OpenAPI Generator project using Koyeb’s Swagger (now OpenAPI) REST API spec.
This post shows how to generate a Rust SDK using the Generator and provides a very basic example of using the SDK.
The Generator will create a Rust library project:
podman run \
--interactive --tty --rm \
--volume=${PWD}:/local \${VERS} \
generate \
-g=rust \
-i= \
-o=/local/${PACKAGE_NAME} \
This will create the project in ${PWD}/${PACKAGE_NAME}
including the documentation at:
OriginStamp Rust SDK Example
I wrote recently describing Python and Golang clients for OriginStamp based on OriginStamp’s API’s swagger spec. As a way to pursue learning rust, I’ve been forcing myself to write examples using rust. I’m honestly finding learning rust tough going and think I’m probably better to revert to the “Learning Rust” tutorials.
That said, herewith an explanation of building a rust client using an OpenAPI (!) generated SDK from OriginStamp’s swagger spec.
OriginStamp Python|Golang SDK Examples
A friend mentioned OriginStamp to me.
NB There are 2 sites: and
It’s an interesting project.
It’s a solution for providing auditable proof that you had a(ccess to) some digital thing before a certain date. OriginStamp provides user-|developer-friendly means to submit files|hashes (of your content) and have these bundled into transactions that are submitted to e.g. bitcoin.
I won’t attempt to duplicate the narrative here, review OriginStamp’s site and some of its content.