Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Protoc”
Prost! Tonic w/ a dash of JSON
I naively (!) began exploring JSON marshaling of Protobufs in rust. Other protobuf language SDKs include JSON marshaling making the process straightforward. I was to learn that, in rust, it’s not so simple. Unfortunately, for me, this continues to discourage my further use of rust (rust is just hard).
My goal was to marshal an arbitrary protocol buffer message that included a oneof feature. I was unable to JSON marshal the rust generated by tonic for such a message.
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Gnarly Protocol Buffers compilation
This Stackoverflow question piqued my interest:
retry policy configuration for grpc not working
Service Config in gRPC is new to me but, my initial suspicion (albeit incorrect) was that the JSON types were incorrect.
I decided to try using the Protocol Buffer source service_config.proto to verify the JSON.
To do so I needed to compile the source…. it was gnarly.
There are 2 repos used:
googleapis grpc-proto The service_config.proto includes options for java_package but no go_package.
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Python Protobuf changes
Python’s Protocol Buffers code-generation using protoc has had significant changes that can cause developers… “challenges”. This post summarizes my experience of these mostly to save me from repreatedly recreating this history for myself when I forget it.
Version change Generated code change Implementation Backends I’ll use this summarized table of proto and the Pypi library’s history in this post. protoc refers to the compiler that supports code-generation in multiple languages. protobuf refers to the corresponding Python (runtime) library on Pypi:
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Google's New Golang SDK for Protobufs
Google has released a new Golang SDK for protobuf. In the [announcement], a useful tool to redact properties is described. If like me, this is somewhat novel to you, here’s a mashup using Google’s Protocol Buffer Basics w/ redaction.
To be very clear, as it’s an important distinction:
Version Repo Docs v2 Docs v1 Docs Project Here’s my project structure:
. ├── protoc-3.11.4-linux-x86_64 │ ├── bin │ │ └── protoc │ ├── include │ │ └── google │ └── readme.
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