Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Kube State Metrics”
Capturing e.g. CronJob metrics with GMP
The deployment of Kube State Metrics for Google Managed Prometheus creates both a PodMonitoring and ClusterPodMonitoring.
The PodMonitoring resource exposes metrics published on metric-self port (8081).
The ClusterPodMonitoring exposes metrics published on metric port (8080) but this doesn’t include cronjob-related metrics:
kubectl get clusterpodmonitoring/kube-state-metrics \ --output=jsonpath="{.spec.endpoints[0].metricRelabeling}" \ | jq -r . [ { "action": "keep", "regex": "kube_(daemonset|deployment|replicaset|pod|namespace|node|statefulset|persistentvolume|horizontalpodautoscaler|job_created)(_.+)?", "sourceLabels": [ "__name__" ] } ] NOTE The regex does not include kube_cronjob and only includes kube_job_created patterns.
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Prometheus VPA Recommendations
For Want of a Nail
I was interested in learning how to Manage Resources for Containers. On the way, I learned and discovered:
kubectl top Vertical Pod Autoscaler A (valuable) digression through PodMonitor kube-state-metrics `kubectl-patch Created a Graph References Kubernetes Resources Visual Studio Code has begun to bug me (reasonably) to add resources to Kubernetes manifests.
resources: limits: cpu: "1" memory: "512Mi" I’ve been spending time with Deislab’s Akri and decided to determine whether Akri’s primary resources (Agent, Controller) and some of my creations HTTP Device and Discovery, were being suitably constrained.
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