Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Googleapis”
Gnarly Protocol Buffers compilation
This Stackoverflow question piqued my interest:
retry policy configuration for grpc not working
Service Config in gRPC is new to me but, my initial suspicion (albeit incorrect) was that the JSON types were incorrect.
I decided to try using the Protocol Buffer source service_config.proto to verify the JSON.
To do so I needed to compile the source…. it was gnarly.
There are 2 repos used:
googleapis grpc-proto The service_config.proto includes options for java_package but no go_package.
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Listing Cloud Logging log-based metrics using gRPC
Referring to Accessing Google Services using gRPC, I wanted to query a project’s Cloud Logging for log-based metrics using gRPC.
In summary:
ENDPOINT="" ROOT="/path/to/googleapis" # PACKAGE="google/logging/v2" # NB Not logging.proto PROTO="${ROOT}/${PACKAGE}/logging_metrics.proto" TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) PROJECT="..." PACKAGE="google.logging.v2" SERVICE="MetricsServiceV2" METHOD="${PACKAGE}.${SERVICE}/ListLogMetrics" # ListLogMetricsRequest fields PARENT="projects/${PROJECT}" grpcurl \ --import-path=${ROOT} \ --proto=${PROTO} \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ -d "{\"parent\": \"${PARENT}\"}" \ ${ENDPOINT} ${METHOD} From APIs Explorer, Cloud Logging API v2, instead of the REST reference, browse the gRPC reference specifically the package google.
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Access Google Services using gRPC
Google publishes interface definitions of Google APIs (services) that support REST and gRPC in a repo called Google APIs. Google’s SDKs uses gRPC to access these services but, how to do this using e.g. gRPCurl?
I wanted to debug Cloud Profiler and its agent makes UpdateProfile RPCs to Cloud Profiler is more challenging service to debug because (a) it’s publicly “write-only”; and (b) it has complex messages. UpdateProfile sends UpdateProfileRequest messages that include Profile messages that include profile_bytes which are gzip compressed serialized protos of pprof’s Profile.
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