Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Github”
Basic programmatic access to GitHub Issues
It’s been a while!
I’ve been spending time writing Bash scripts and a web site but neither has been sufficiently creative that I’ve felt worth a blog post.
As I’ve been finalizing the web site, I needed an Issue Tracker and decided to leverage GitHub(’s Issues).
As a former Googler, I’m familiar with Google’s (excellent) internal issue tracking tool (Buganizer) and it’s public manifestation Issue Tracker. Google documents Issue Tracker and its Issue type which I’ve mercilessly plagiarized in my implementation.
GitHub help with dependency management
This is very useful:
I am building an application that comprises multiple repos. I continue to procrastinate on whether using multiple repos vs. a monorepo was a good idea but, an issue that I have (had) is the need to ensure that the repos’ contents are using current|latest modules. GitHub can help.
Most of the application is written in Golang with a smattering of Rust and some JavaScript.
GitHub Actions && GitHub Container Registry
You know when you start something and then regret it!? I think I’ll be sticking with Google Cloud Build; GitHub Actions appears functional and useful but I found the documentation to be confusing and limited and struggled to get a simple container image build|push working.
I’ve long used Docker Hub but am planning to use it less as a result of the planned changes. I want to see Docker succeed and to do so it needs to find a way to make money but, there are free alternatives including the new GitHub Container Registry and the very very cheap Google Container Registry.