Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Digitalocean”
Deploying Hugo site to DigitalOcean Apps
I’ve been running a DigitalOcean Apps static site for Hugo using the Hugo Buildpack.
I’ve migrated a set of Hugo sites to use Hugo Modules which includes the addition of go.mod (and go.sum) files to the Hugo project in order to manage e.g. themes.
Unfortunately, the Hugo Buildpack used by DigitalOcean Apps does not support Hugo Modules. DigitalOcean support recommended that I switch to use a build with a Dockerfile. Unfortunately (!
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Prometheus Exporters for and Vultr
I’ve been on a roll building utilities this week. I developed a Service Health dashboard for my “thing”, a Prometheus Exporter for and today, a Prometheus Exporter for Vultr. This is motivated by the fear that I will forget a deployed Cloud resource and incur a horrible bill.
I’ve no written several Prometheus Exporters for cloud platforms:
Prometheus Exporter for GCP Prometheus Exporter for Linode Prometheus Exporter for Prometheus Exporter for Vultr Each of them monitors resource deployments and produces resource count metrics that can be scraped by Prometheus and alerted with Alertmanager.
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Krustlet on DO Managed Kubernetes
I’ve spent time this week returning to the interesting Deislabs project Krustlet. Since the last time, the bootstrapping process has been simplified using Kubernetes Bootstrap Tokens. I know this updated process works with MicroK8s. Unfortunately, I’m struggling with it on GKE and thought I’d try DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes.
It worked first time!
In the following, we run both the Kubernetes cluster and the Krustlet Droplet on DigitalOcean but, as long as the cluster and the VM are able to communicate with one another, you should be able to run these anywhere.
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Deploying a Rust HTTP server to DigitalOcean App Platform
DigitalOcean launched an App Platform with many Supported Languages and Frameworks. I used Golang first, then wondered how to use non-natively-supported languages, i.e. Rust.
The good news is that Docker is a supported framework and so, you can run pretty much anything.
Rust I’m a Rust noob. I’m always receptive to feedback on improvements to the code. I looked to mirror the Golang example. I’m using rocket and rocket-prometheus for the first time:
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