Visual Studio Code plus Google Cloud Shell
- 3 minutes read - 614 wordsUpdate: 2020-09-24
Three updates since I wrote the post:
gcloud alpha cloud-shell get-mount-command ${DIR}
It’s possible to use sshfs
to mount the Cloud Shell home directory locally:
gcloud alpha cloud-shell get-mount-command ${DIR}
Which generates something of the form:
sshfs [[USERNAME]]@[[HOST]]: ${DIR} \
-p [[PORT]] \
-oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/google_compute_engine \
You may then code --new-window ${DIR}
curl command may lack .sshHost
curl’ing the
endpoint will result in a null value for .sshHost
if the Cloud Shell VM must be recreated. The gcloud
command avoids this by using an operation to poll the endpoint until the VM exists. The hacky alternative is to run gcloud alpha cloud-shell ssh
to force the VM to be created before running the curl command.
The SSH config file may be generated using jq
and awk
. Assuming the following cloudshell.awk
BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
{ print "Host \"Cloud Shell\"" }
{ printf " Hostname %s\n",$1 }
{ printf " LogLevel %s\n","verbose" }
{ printf " IdentityFile %s\n","~/.ssh/google_compute_engine" }
{ printf " User %s\n",$2 }
{ printf " Port %s\n",$3 }
You may:
curl \
--silent \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \ \
| jq -r '. | [.sshHost, .sshUsername, .sshPort] | @tsv' \
| awk -f cloudshell.awk > vscode.sshconfig
It’s practical to access a Cloud Shell VM file system remotely (using ssh, natch) using Visual Studio Code.
I’m using this to explore the development of Google Assistant apps because I’d prefer not install Node.JS and npm on my workstation.
You may enumerate your Cloud Shell VMs access details with:
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
You should receive:
"name": "users/[[EMAIL]]/environments/default",
"id": "default",
"dockerImage": "",
"state": "RUNNING",
"sshUsername": "[[USERNAME]]",
"sshHost": "[[HOST]]",
"sshPort": [[PORT]],
"publicKeys": [
"name": "users/[[EMAIL]]/environments/default/publicKeys/...",
"format": "SSH_RSA",
"key": "..."
"webHost": "...",
"size": "DEFAULT",
"vmSizeExpireTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"webPorts": [
If you have [jq
] installed:
curl \
--silent \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \ \
| jq '. | {host: .sshHost, username: .sshUsername, port: .sshPort}'
"host": "[[HOST]]",
"username": "[[USERNAME]]",
"port": [[PORT]]
You may create an SSH configuration file that will be used by Visual Studio Code, or plug these values in during configuration of the extension:
E.g. ${HOME}/vscode.remote_ssh_config
Host cloud-shell
HostName [[HOST]]
LogLevel verbose
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
Port [[PORT]]
NOTE the string values need not be quoted (no
, just the values) but, if you’d prefer you may useHost "Cloud Shell"
You may confirm that this works:
ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine ${USERNAME}@${HOST} --p ${PORT}
NOTE Don’t forget to replace the values with the values from the curl response
Then, from within Visual Studio Code, install Microsoft’s (!) Remote Development extension
Then, click the “Remote Explorer” icon and, from the dropdown select “SSH Targets”.
If you wish to type in the ssh
command directly, click the “Add New” ("+") icon and paste into the dialog box:
ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine [[USERNAME]]@[[HOST]] --p [[PORT]]
NOTE Don’t forget to replace the values with the values from the curl response
If you wish to specify a previously created ssh configuration file, click the Configure icon and specify the config file absolute (!) path
Lastly, you may configure the settings directly by adding:
"remote.SSH.configFile": "/path/to/vscode.remote_ssh_config",
Now the “Remote Explorer” pane should include one ssh target corresponding to your Cloud Shell VM.
You may either right-click the target or click the “+” icon on the right to open connect to the host and, when prompted to “Open Folder” you may choose which folder on the Cloud Shell VM you wish to use.
Hope that helps!