Migrating Prometheus Exporters to Kubernetes
I have built Prometheus Exporters for multiple cloud platforms to track resources deployed across clouds:
- Prometheus Exporter for Azure
- Prometheus Exporter for crt.sh
- Prometheus Exporter for Fly.io
- Prometheus Exporter for GoatCounter
- Prometheus Exporter for Google Analytics
- Prometheus Exporter for Google Cloud
- Prometheus Exporter for Koyeb
- Prometheus Exporter for Linode
- Prometheus Exporter for PorkBun
- Prometheus Exporter for updown.io
- Prometheus Exporter for Vultr
Additionally, I’ve written two status service exporters:
These exporters are all derived from an exemplar DigitalOcean Exporter
written by metalmatze for which I maintain a fork.
Prometheus Exporter for USGS Water Data service
I’m a little obsessed with creating Prometheus Exporters:
- Prometheus Exporter for Azure
- Prometheus Exporter for crt.sh
- Prometheus Exporter for Fly.io
- Prometheus Exporter for GoatCounter
- Prometheus Exporter for Google Cloud
- Prometheus Exporter for Koyeb
- Prometheus Exporter for Linode
- Prometheus Exporter for PorkBun
- Prometheus Exporter for updown.io
- Prometheus Exporter for Vultr
All of these were written to scratch an itch.
In the case of the cloud platform exporters (Azure, Fly, Google, Linode, Vultr etc.), it’s an overriding anxiety that I’ll leave resources deployed on these platforms and, running an exporter that ships alerts to Pushover and Gmail, provides me a support mechanism for me.
gRPC Firestore `Listen` in Rust
Obsessing on gRPC Firestore Listen
somewhat but it’s also a good learning opportunity for me to write stuff in Rust. This doesn’t work against Google’s public endpoint (possibly for the same reason that gRPCurl doesn’t work either) but this does work against the Go server described in the other post.
I’m also documenting here because I always encounter challenges using TLS with Rust (and this documents 2 working ways to do this with gRPC) as well as references two interesting (rust) examples that use Google services.